Why should you choose us for your Internet Business?
We provide everything you need. Create accounts for each of your clients, their billing, management, support.

100% Real plans
We guarantee the capacity of our services. Remember that streaming radio plans with unlimited listeners don’t exist, you can read an article on this topic by clicking here
Free Marketing
With these bases covered, you are free to market and grow your business in any way you choose.
Broadcast Live
We put at your disposal a complete solution based on special state-of-the-art servers so that your love for this great world grows unlimitedly, you can broadcast live and reach any part of the world in a simple and intuitive way.
Create accounts for each of your clients
Inovanex Reseller allows you to create accounts for each of your clients, and if you wish you can install WHMCS which will facilitate tasks regarding your automatic billing, management, support and account creation.
Remember also that we have additional services that you can provide to your clients. (Domains, Video Straming, Hosting / Reseller Hosting).
Select your Reseller Streaming Radio HD plan:
Adaptable, flexible and stout plans.
Our plans are real, the quantity and stability in each plan is guaranteed.
*AUTODJ: the cost of it is per space and per account, check the prices generating a ticket to the sales area.
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Reseller Streaming:
More benefits of being a streaming reseller
Audio Codec:
Why do we recommend HE-AAC v2 over MP3?
Do you still have questions?
20% Discounts on mobile applications!
Reselling our apps with your brand (Android & Iphone 4.x) with a 20% discount